четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Lawyers say men charged over heroin could languish in jail

Vic: Lawyers say men charged over heroin could languish in jail

MELBOURNE, April 23 AAP - A major investigation into a $80 million heroin haul lastweek would leave men charged in connection with the haul languishing in custody, lawyerssaid today.

Three foreign nationals accused of being part of the landing party which allegedlybrought drugs from the North Korean freight ship Pong Su into Lorne in south-west Victorialast week appeared in court today.

The men will remain in custody until at least August 12, after Commonwealth prosecutorScott Bruckard was today granted an extension by the Melbourne Magistrate's court to prepareevidence.

Mr Bruckard said the case was large and complicated and would involve more than 30defendants, including the Pong Su's crew, expected to be extradited from NSW today.

He said electronic recordings of telephone calls had to be translated and forensicevidence from the Pong Su analysed.

Lawyers for two of the men Chin Lee, 34, and Kiang-Fah Teng, 45, said the date of thenext appearance meant an excessive period in custody for their clients.

Georgia Halikopoulos said her client, Lee, had been handcuffed and shackled on arrivalat court and was being held in a "two-by-two cell".

Ms Halikopoulos said she would speak to custody officials about Lee's treatment.

Magistrate Angela Bolger said she understood the circumstances for foreign nationalsin custody were difficult and ordered a special review of proceedings on May 28.

Another foreign national accused of being in the landing party, Ta Song Wong, 37, wasyesterday remanded to appear on August 12.

AAP svm/gfr/kim/de


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