пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Aust a risk of terror attack as election looms

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Aust a risk of terror attack as election looms

A visiting United States intelligence expert says Australia faces a growing risk of
terrorist attacks in the leadup to the federal election.

Dr GEORGE FRIEDMAN, chairman of private sector intelligence company Stratfor, says
al-Qaeda believes its bombings in Madrid influenced Spain's election outcome.

He says that means al-Qaeda might have similar ideas about influencing Australia's
upcoming election.

Dr FRIEDMAN says that Australia's involvement in Afghanistan has put it at risk of
a terrorist attack.

But he says Australia's involvement Iraq hasn't increased that risk.

Dr FRIEDMAN says Australia is a target because it's perceived to be an ally of the United States.

AAP RTV mb/mj/wz/as


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